Regular snapshots of everyday life plus musings on Japanese culture and society for Japanese language learners and Japan lovers in general. Subscribe for email notifications when a new post goes up or send me a request (on the right panel). Comments are also welcome (link below each post).
(hyperlinks in red)
Japanese Language
Jisho: A very flexible and multi-functional Japanese-English Dictionary
Weblio: A good J-E dictionary if you want multiple example sentences (in Japanese)
Eijiro: The dictonary of choice for many professionals (in Japanese)
Google Translate app: The newinstant translation is great - just point the camera at a sign or menu and the translation pops up instantly. The ability to write an unfamiliar kanji directly on the screen is also extremely useful when you can't figure out the reading.
Tokyo English Lifeline (TELL): The only English lifeline in Japan (9am-11pm 03-5774-0992). Also offers fee-based face-to-face counselling including distance (skype) counselling.
Japan Helpline: Offers 24-hour emergency assistance or just answers to simple questions (0570-000-911).
AIDS HOTLINE: Free 24-hour information number for foreigners in Japan (0120-46-1995)
The Asian People's Friendship Association (APFS): Offers consultations (03-3964-8739) and support for undocumented foreign residents (